ReelCardio Wearable AECG Technology

It is no secret that wearable health technology is evolving in the forefront of medicine today. The diagnostic medical device market has long discovered that more clinical data leads to an improvement in risk stratification & ultimately patient outcomes. This holds true in virtually all areas of medicine. Ambulatory ECG monitoring is leading the forefront of wearable monitoring technologies.

Ambulatory ECG (or AECG) monitoring is a necessary diagnostic tool for clinicians to investigating a variety of symptoms plus provide a sound understanding a patient’s underlying health. For the past few decades, clinical trials have almost unanimously supported the need for longer term monitoring to lead to an increased diagnostic yield and find many transient, often asymptomatic arrhythmias such as atrial fibrillation (A Fib). The issue in the past has always been patient compliance. To be realistic, what patient is really willing to wear a traditional monitor for any extended period of time?

The answer to the marry the need to increase diagnostic yields with longer term monitoring and satisfy / improve patient compliance has been the advent of wearable AECG monitoring technologies. First on the scene has been the wearable AECG patch. The wearable patch such as the ReelCardio V-Patch has proven to be an exceptional tool for clinicians, staff as well as patients. The wearable patch solves many limitations & shortfalls of traditional 24 Holter monitoring by providing exponentially more data. The wearable patch has been a tremendous breakthrough with ambulatory ECG monitoring but after the hype has started to settle, many clinicians are finding many limitations to the patch.


Some of the Limitations of Traditional Patch Monitoring:

  • Limited with a Single Channel (only 1 view)
  • Risk of improper diagnosis due to only one view of the heart
  • Limited lead placement options to optimize ECG signal
  • Adverse skin reaction with many extended wearable solutions
  • Most Patches are NOT Hypo-Allergenic
  • Long term Turn-Around time for traditional extended monitoring reports
  • Limited reimbursement (only certain states) in the US & worldwide
  • Limited Reimbursement flexibility due to limited coverage for physicians & medical facilities.


Solution: ReelCardio ReelWearable+ Plus | ReelPatch+ Plus

The The ReelWearable+ Plus & the ReelPatch+ Plus are real-time, wearable solutions that are very easy for patients & staff but it is also a useful tool for clinicians for many patients. The ReelWearable+ Plus & the ReelPatch+ Plus are both unique wearable AECG technology in that it continually records, reports & trends 2 channels of real-time ambulatory ECG.

For more details, visit Mobile Cardiac Telemetry (MCT) with ReelCardio.

It is important for clinicians & patients to understand that NOT all wearable AECG technologies are created equal. In fact, many of them are proven to lack any real depth in clinical data & reproducible analysis because they only report what the device ‘thinks’ is abnormal. This is a dangerous approach most algorithms in the market today are grossly inept. And most of the clinical mistakes are missed by laboratory ECG technicians because they only see what the computer ‘thinks’ is abnormal.

With this being the factual reality, most of the wearable AECG monitoring technologies do not capture many significant changes in ECG. Without extended ‘continuous’ method of analysis from ReelCardio, the majority of other technologies out there have no method of interrogate or verify that there were any mistakes!! The real-time ReelECG wearable monitors not only acquire & analyze in (near) real-time, but all wearable ReelECG monitors also ‘push’ all full disclose (all ECG data) to customer portal for further viewing & or download.

Furthermore, when you are utilizing wearable AECG technology with only one single vector (single channel), it is often difficult to decipher the origin of the ECG abnormality. With a single channel patch, it is often difficult to differentiate between atrial & ventricular arrhythmias. This can be an issue for complex patients.

The single channel patch is similar to pulse derived ECG such as the Apple Watch or others that are limited in diagnostic quality. in fact, most of the wearable patch & pulse derived (rather than electrocardiographic ECG) AECG technology was designed to identify R to R intervals for A Fib and examine changes in rate & rhythm.  Clinician confidence in using the single channel wearable AECG patch for identifying true origin of various arrhythmias has declined now with the advent of true, diagnostic-grade, multi-channel wearable AECG technology such as the ReelCardio V-Patch.


New Generation Technology: ReelECG Wearable+ Plus | ReelPatch+ Plus

As discussed, the advent of the wearable ECG patch technology has pioneered a whole new segment of Ambulatory Cardiac (AECG) Monitoring for clinicians, patient’s & staff. Wearable AECG Patch monitoring technology is here to stay but the market is now demanding wearable AECG technology to be performed continuously in Real-Time to expedite & significantly improve the findings of extended wearable AECG monitoring.

It is well established that stroke as a result of A Fib is on the rise. In addition to more and more cases being discovered, the early detection of A Fib remains a mystery as the market has not had a real useful non invasive tool to help clinicians & patients find short, random asymptomatic Atrial Fibrillation. Today’s physicians are armed with a variety of wearable ECG technology, implantable loop recorders or an old fashion / traditional cardiac monitors. This poses an issue for clinicians (and ultimately patients) as the there are significant limitations with the single channel patch, patient compliance issues with old fashion, clunky monitors for short term or extended monitoring.  And furthermore, most patients do not want a foreign object inserted into the body to monitor their ECG. The solution is long-term, wearable, real-time AECG technology such as the ReelCardio V-Patch.

The ReelCardio V-Patch is the most unique wearable AECG monitor to hit the US market since the iRhythm ZIO Patch. The ReelPatch+ Plus has many significant technological advantages over single channel, non-real-time AECG patch or traditional monitoring that is proving rise above all other options for monitoring longer than 3 days.


Patients that may Qualify for ReelECG ReelWearable+ Plus & ReelPatch+ Plus:

  • Post Stroke
  • Post Myocardial infarction
  • A Fib monitoring
  • Traditional symptoms (chest pain, SOB, Dizziness, Syncope, Palpitations, established arrhythmias)
  • Transient symptoms / suspected arrhythmias
  • Patients with established complex arrhythmias


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